In my previous blog I looked back at the insights I received and I revealed my all-encompassing dream. How did this dream occur? And how do I know this isn’t just a dream?
For the ones who didn’t read my previous blog… My all-encompassing dream is: within a few years I’ll shape my life in such a way that I can alternate between working three months and travelling three months. That means that with these three months of work I’ll create a certain financial freedom for the three months that follow.
I do need to nuance this all. The above is my final goal, but I’d like this all to be flexible. What matters is that I’m a believer of thinking big and that I want to create a combination and certain balance between productivity, peace and creativity in my life. I’m convinced that I’m very productive íf I get enough peace in the meantime. The peace to travel, but not just that… I also need the peace for other creative things that make me happy. Such as photographing, learning how to play an instrument or making a documentary. When I give myself enough space to review my daily activities from time to time, I’ll stay sharp and energetic. This will give me a helicopter view. One from which I can see if the thing that I’m doing is still the thing that makes me happy and it will show me what can be improved. I believe that in such an exchange I’m at my very best.

But what kind of work do I want to do exactly? To explain I’ll show you my personal Linked-In introduction: “I’ve always been interested in ‘who am I, what do I want and how do I do this?’ I mainly apply this to myself, but I also find this an interesting process within other people. The past years, this interest also expressed itself in my job within (special) education. I work with children and adolescents aged 4 to 20 with mental disabilities. In order to work with this group, the core values of freedom, happiness and creativity are very important to me. Positive energy, fully accepting somebody, working from the heart, leaving the responsibility where it belongs and believing that ‘everybody‘s equal’ are things that are close to my heart and that I can express in my job.”
Before my trip to Colombia I went for coffee at a neighbors house. This was when I got the following insight; I want to implement the strength of ‘own power’ (who am I, what I will do and how I will do this) in education. I’m convinced that there are huge opportunities. Opportunities to motivate children and adolescents at all levels, to better prepare them for their future, to let them use their talents to make sure they fully shine in life and to give them the feeling they matter. I can’t even explain the feeling I got when this idea occurred. As if I was shooting up and down in an elevator. A kind of roller coaster. After fifteen minutes I told my neighbor “sorry but I need to go home. My head is exploding with ideas and I really need to get busy.”
Next thing I knew, I was jumping around in my living room. I literally didn’t know what to do with all this energy. A new experience for me, but one with impact. This feeling was so strong that I knew from the start: “I have to do something with it, no doubt.” So you understand; the self-confidence, faith and trust to expand my plans from dreams to reality is super active.
And here it begins… How do I get started? How do I make sure that a dream isn’t just a dream? In the next blog you’ll read more…