Years ago, I said “I wish it could always be summer.” Do you recognize this? Due to travelling and spending four months in the tropical temperatures of Aruba, I’ve come to really appreciate the Dutch seasons. After a few months in 30 degrees or more, I was craving for an evening near the fireplace (together with a blanket and a hot chocolate). What about the Dutch seasons is so appealing to me?
Is it because of all the standard pictures? Or because our own experiences? Whenever I think of the four seasons I think of snow, lambs, the beach and an umbrella against the wind. But there’s more. I’ll describe my own associations with the four seasons in the Netherlands.

I feel happy as a child when I open the curtains and see a fresh pack of snow. Everything looks so calm, quiet and light with that white blanket. It’s always nice to hear the cracking sound of fresh snow underneath your feet. I’m also a big fan of skiing, sledging etc. But for this I often have to go abroad 😉 However, I do get a winter sport feeling on the rare white days in the Netherlands. And yes, of course I enjoy all this even more if I know that I don’t have to drive on such days 😉 But even if it doesn’t snow I like to put on a hat and wrap myself in thick scarf. And warp up inside afterwards. At home with a blanket on the couch, in a cafe where there’s a nice fireplace or taking a hot shower. Hmmm… And of course glühwein, hot chocolate with cream or a cup of soup are essential as well. I love it!

When I think of spring, I‘m picturing fresh bright green colors. New leaves will reappear and you’ll see all trees, bushes and plants turn green again. The blossoms are in bloom and that makes me happy! The first signs of crocuses and daffodils. The warm winter coat will soon be replaced by the intermediate jacket. My mainly dark winter clothes make room for clothes in fresh light colors. And then, to top it off…the first drink on an outdoor terrace! After that it’s really hard to get that grin of my face. Or the moment you hear young ducks for the first time or see lambs in the meadow. And yes, if I see young ducks, I still count how many there are 🙂

Talking about summer, I’m thinking of the onces with nice warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine. No jacket needed. Long light days, which allow you to have an evening walk or run. My favorite summer evening contains a barbecue with friends, one where we stay outside until late in the evening. The warm summer evenings are quite rare in the Netherlands, but if they come around I enjoy them to the fullest. For example through reading a book in my hammock! During summer I often dive straight into my hammock after work. Just enjoy and relax before I start cooking dinner. And living near the coast of course means that I love the beach! The beach is beautiful during every season, but summer is my favorite!

A holiday feeling, so close to home! How does my favorite day at the beach look like? The feeling of warm and soft sand between my toes, reading a book or taking a nap, taking a stroll or playing a game of beach volleyball, a fresh dip in the sea, warming up on your towel, having a drink at the beach club and if possible also eating French fries there and enjoy the sunset. I also enjoy the festivals during summer. Spending time outdoors with partying people and a DJ or live band. Or having fun and nice conversations with friends, while we try the food from different food trucks. Perfect!

Autumn makes me think of wind, rain and rain boots. But also of leaves with all it’s different autumn colors. The forest is therefore my favorite place during autumn. Although I could go more often… I find it very special that a tree can change color completely and that you can see this happening. And finally the tree has lost most of its leaves and will look totally different again.

But I also like to take a walk on the beach and relax on the couch afterwards. I don’t mind rain, especially not if I’m inside. Being outside, the first rain drops are the worst. After that it doesn’t matter anymore and I can even enjoy it. Especially on my way home 😉 And under an umbrella or with my hood on I even think it gives you a cozy feeling. It reminds me of camping when the rain falls on the tent.

I just think every season has its charm. And the alternation makes me appreciate it even more. Traveling also helps 🙂 Every country has its own climate, with its own pros and cons.
In my garden I can enjoy the different seasons even more. Next time you will read more about this.